Monday, September 13, 2010

Challenge Yourself to Blog!!

This year I joined a blogging challenge called Challenge Yourself to Blog! Also, I did it last year! I can't wait until the first challenge! 

If you want to see my posts from last year on the blogging you can look in my archive or click on this link.  

Here is a screenshot of the website!

Here is the first link. 

Here is the second link. 

Also, here is a link to register. 

Please leave a comment.

Do you have a blog?

If you have a blog give me your website name, and I will check it out!

Have you joined a blogging challenge or another kind of challenge?


Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Nick,

Terrific post about the Blogging Challenge that starts around September 21!

Miss W. will probably visit your site again this year. Remember her? She lives in Tasmania!

Your friend,
Mrs. Y♥llis

Anonymous said...

@ Nick,

It was fun meeting you yesterday.No I do not have my own blog But I want one really bad.My dad has a blog and I gave you the name of his.Please leave a comment on his blog.If I get my own blog what do you think the name should be?
Your Friend,

Nick said...

@ Mrs. Yollis,

Yes, I do remember her! I can't wait until the blogging challenge starts. I hope Miss W, and Sue Waters visits and comments on my blog. Have you told your class about AlphaSmarts yet?

Your former student,

Anonymous said...

Dear Nick,

Well I hope you are enjoying Fourth Grade. I bet you miss Mrs Yollis although I'm sure Mrs Krauss is a terrific teacher too!

Well done on getting involved in the Student Blogging Challenge. It will be a great way to learn more about blogging and meet new blogging buddies.

It is funny that Mrs Yollis mentioned that Miss W is from Tasmania. Tasmania is not too far from where we live in Victoria. It is less than one hour by plane. I went to Tasmania in March and I'm going again in December. It is a beautiful place. I'm sure you will enjoy learning about lots of new places through the blogging challenge.

Your friend,
Miss McGeady

Anonymous said...

Dear Nick,

I think it was a great idea. The first challenge already started.


msbee said...

What a great start to blogging, Nick! Well done!

This week's challenge asks you to think about designing your first avatar - i wonder if you can try this on your own? Let me know if you need a hand. I am a teacher from Dunedin, New Zealand. My class is on holiday right now but you can find out a bit more about them at Please sing out if you need a hand.